EXP NEW ZEALAND REAL ESTATE eXp Realty New Zealand is Here
eXp New Zealand has been launched. eXp Realty, which was started in the USA in 2009 and is over 81,000 agents strong worldwide, is now in New Zealand!
Now, every agent is different and each have different needs. But one thing all agents can agree on is that changing real estate offices is not something to take lightly. So, it's essential to be informed to choose the agency that best suits you.
Choosing the right agency in many cases can be the difference in your enjoyment of your career and having your desired lifestyle. Or if you end up in an agency that doesn’t give you what you want and need in terms of training, culture or support you could end up leaving the industry altogether.
So, here’s some information for you to check out to help you research what eXp New Zealand offers and consider if eXp could be right for you. If you prefer to watch the content, you can watch our eXp New Zealand eXplained Video.

You may be wondering where eXp New Zealand started and what makes it so different. eXp Realty is a global real estate company that’s cloud based.
Starting with only 25 agents in October 2009 it has come a long way from its humble beginnings.
Fast-forward to today, and eXp Realty has experienced rapid growth, with over 81,000 agents who decided eXp was for them spread over 21 countries worldwide.
From its roots in the United States, eXp is proudly represented by agents in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, France, India, Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Italy, Panama, Spain, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Israel, Hong Kong and Greece.
The eXp model is transforming real estate. And with a company that is quite literally a ‘game changer’ in the real estate industry for agents and their clients, it’s hardly a surprise that top agents across the globe are attracted to eXp and becoming a part of eXp Realty’s real estate revolution.
eXp New Zealand is a subsidiary of eXp World Holdings and is a catalyst of change in the following ways.
eXp New Zealand is agent centric. This means the company prioritises you, the agent. It gives you on demand access to all the tools, training and support you could need to run your business and provide the best service to your clients.
eXp integrates leading-edge technology which assists agent productivity and optimises property value. This minimises the time it takes to get from listed to sold and settled. All parties benefit, not just the agents but also their vendors and buyers.
eXp New Zealand provides its agents with business-ready resources. This includes cutting-edge technology, all the tools, services and training which one could need to grow and run a successful business.
eXp believes its agents bring value to the company from their wealth of knowledge, their personal networking and their integrity. Their clients chose them to transact property, not a corporate brand and so, eXp supports its agents to have their peronalised brand.
At eXp New Zealand, you get the advantage of working and collaborating with industry experts.
The ground-breaking office environment that eXp offers, which is based in the cloud, provides its agents with a way to collaborate with forward thinking real estate professionals across the nation and around the world. You'll have the confidence in knowing that you're receiving the best quality service and training.
But having a ground-breaking technology is just the beginning. All agents at eXp New Zealand get to use some of the most intuitive and integrable real estate technologies available. To nurture agent success there’s tech tools, services, leading-edge resources and training.
Breaking through barriers with its agent centred real estate model, eXp allows agents the opportunity to keep up to 100% of their commissions which is unmatchable by the traditional models.
The eXp New Zealand model also offers a unique opportunity for its agents to become company shareholders by earning EXPI stock, i.e. eXp World Holdings’ stock listed on the NASDAQ. As well as a way to be rewarded via Revenue Share for contribution to the growth of the company.
The simplicity of eXp, having been built around the needs of its agents, is undoubtedly one of the best things about the eXp real estate model.
Being the first and largest cloud-based real estate company globally, eXp has highly advanced technology. The purpose of eXp and what caused its inception has always been to give agents the opportunity to work in such a way that they can best serve their clients whilst achieving their own lifestyle, financial and career goals.
eXp New Zealand's commission split is 75% up to 100%.
Every eXp agent will begin with a 75/25 split up to when they hit their "Cap", i.e. when they've settled NZ$140,000 in GCI or gross commission income.
Upon an agent reaching this gross commission level, and "Capping", they will stop paying a commission split to eXp. The agent will receive 100% of their commissions for the remainder of the year up to their anniversary date.
Take an agent who starts with eXp New Zealand on 1 June and reaches their cap by 30 September, they would enjoy 100% commissions till 31 May. When their anniversary year finishes, they go back to the 75/25 split until they Cap again that anniversary year.
Use our eXp New Zealand Commission Calculator to see what your earnings could be under a Capping model.
So there is a once-off joining fee of NZ$400 + GST when you decide to join eXp New Zealand, which covers your setup into the company to access its tools and resources.
Upon joining, you will be onboarded with eXp to get you set up on all the tech platforms and business ready.
You'll get access to all of your subscriptions and real estate platforms. And an Agent Profile Page will be set up for you on the eXp Website and Real Estate Platforms, and you'll receive an eXp email address.
There is a Monthly Cloud Fee of NZ$200 + GST which covers you for all of the "cloud-based" technology, tools and platforms you need to run your successful real estate business effectively.
This cloud-based fee also gives you access to a state-of-the-art CRM that was custom-built for eXp New Zealand agents to manage their business.
Some of the features of this custom-built CRM include:
Prospecting and Lead Tracking
Templated Brochures and Emails
Calendar and Tasks
Viewings and Virtual Open Houses
Match Buyers to Properties
Listing Quality Rating based on Machine Learning
Sales Progression and Transaction Processing
Referral Tracking
Automatically Updates the Site
List Potential Customers Directly in Your CRM
Easy Entry Management
Extension to Social Media Platforms
Static Website Owner
Multilingual Listings Available to all Customers
Extension of Multiple Currencies to the Rest of the World
Distribution and Distribution on Registration Portals
Syndicate on New and Emerging Platforms
Interaction in eXp World Listings Training
High-Quality Presentation and User Approach
Easy Loading of Registration Platform with Automated Success
Transaction management is covered for a very reasonable NZ$500 + GST and is only payable on settled transactions.
Finally, there is a NZ$1,250 + GST Marketing Reimbursement. This reimbursement is paid back to agents upon settlement of a property.
When an agent collects NZ$2,500 in Vendor Paid Advertising (VPA) for a listed property. They will receive NZ$1,250 as a marketing reimbursement from eXp upon settlement of that property.
It's a way to help agents invest in their business, get better exposure for their listings, and assist them in establishing and marketing their business. This is just another way eXp New Zealand helps give back to its agents.
To find out more about the following benefits when becoming an agent with eXp New Zealand click on the buttons below. Or you can just scroll down to learn more about the opportunity.
More leads! Simply put, most agents want, need and deserve more leads.
So, you have access to intuitive technology which plugs into many other portals and platforms and best utilises the custom-built CRM.
This is all to help you manage the leads you have as well as capture and convert even more.

So, this means you know who your hottest leads are. This insight really helps with ease and consistency when it comes to prospecting and lead generation. Then, naturally, the flow on effect is consistency and increase of income.
The custom-built CRM which eXp has created specifically for its New Zealand agents plugs in with other tech tools to enable industry leading marketing to its agents and their clients.
Sick of endless cold calling and labour-intensive door knocking? Would you rather use integrated smart technology to alert you to the hottest buyers and sellers in your database through their behaviours, as well as knowing the activity of your database. You can even have appraisal leads sent right to your email address.
If you have big goals, or you want to grow your business quickly, there are options to really put your lead generation into overdrive.
These are add-on services to which we can introduce you. These services are an affordable and cost effective way of having your database nurtured, leads generated and prospecting done for you. All whilst you focus on vendor management, talking to the hottest buyers and sellers or enjoy some time off.
Just contact us to find out more.
With all the tech and tools eXp provides, you can spend your time selling and nurturing great relationships - what you do best. Leave the technology to do the rest for you.
Would you like to get off the real estate roller-coaster!?
Learn more about eXp's included tech and business tools
Watch our videos on the following tech and business tools to see them in action.
When you partner with One Great Force™, we want you to be able to realise your success.
We have built our own business from the ground up. And during a pandemic. So, we understand what you’re going through and know how to make a successful and profitable business in the ever-changing current climate.
When you choose to partner with One Great Force, we want you to be able to realise your success.
We started and built our own business from nothing. No database, no name and with little funds. And during a pandemic. So, we understand growing your business in the modern environment and what you're going through. We know how to make a profitable and successful business in the ever-changing current climate.
We'll provide you with the roadmap and the tools to convert more prospects and heighten your results. We show you how to do this even if you have no pipeline and without the need for a large database.
As part of One Great Force, we can even support you with risk free lead generation where it doesn’t cost you anything upfront, to assist you in getting a head start on your new business. From there, we can teach you how to implement your own lead generation, so that you can do it yourself and won’t need to rely upon anybody else if you don’t want to.
We also provide you with a proven 90-day roadmap for success and provide you with support into the future.
Download our Free Prospecting Tools to get a head start on building your pipeline for sales. Some of these free tools include prospecting letters, a social media calendar and scripts and dialogues.
Learn more about the prospecting support from One Great Force and the inclusions in our 90 Day Roadmap to Success.
Some agents were initially concerned about leaving a big brand until they realised that eXp is a big and well-known brand in itself.
They were worried about no longer receiving referrals from other agents within the brand.
Being over 81,000 agents strong in over 21 countries, eXp agents experience that great feeling of getting and giving referrals from and to other skilled agents.

It’s a great feeling having a “now seller” sent your way by another agent who has set you up as the local expert with the client.
Any concerns that agents coming from "big brands" have about this kind of internal referral network quickly subside when they join eXp and experience its vast network of agents.

As the old saying goes, 100% of nothing is still nothing!
A better office split may sound enticing but without the proper support or systems to win business it doesn’t mean much.
For this very reason, eXp has committed to giving you all the tools you need to help you succeed. All the support you could want and the platforms so you can win.
How big you win or how much you earn is entirely up to your personal goals and activities. Basically, the company gives you what you need to earn what you want and the model allows you to keep more of what you earn.
So, of your first NZ$140,000 GCI you make in your anniversary year you get to keep 75%. Then anything over NZ$140,000 GCI for the rest of the anniversary year sees you keeping 100% of your GCI.
So what do we call it when you reach the NZ$140,000 GCI? Its called a "CAP". But aside from the item of clothing you wear on your head what exactly does CAP mean?
Agents work hard and eXp believes that its agents deserve to be rewarded for their hard work. Because of this, when you get to the Cap (NZ$140,000 GCI), you don’t need to pay a split to the "Office".
This means, for the rest of your anniversary year you'll get to keep 100% of your Commissions. So, when you're on a typical office split such as 40% or 50% or even 60% split, even if you are on more it could make a big difference to your income earnings.
With other real estate models emerging, even the most modern of these platforms and models still take vast chunks of your commissions until you write big numbers. Sometimes in the realms of $500,000 in GCI or $1,000,000 in GCI, or even $2,000,000. There is no end in sight and it's incredibly prohibitive for most agents.
With real estate overheads for traditional and franchise models. you may wonder how eXp New Zealand can afford to offer such industry-leading splits.
One of the ground-breaking things about the eXp real estate model is that it doesn't have the same huge overhead costs you find in most. That’s why it can offer more to and share more with its agents.
They can also provide you with unlimited live and on-demand training access for free. Put it all together, and eXp is the vehicle to getting you to keep more of what you make, get more listings, earn and keep more of your commissions.
Check out our eXp New Zealand Commission Calculator to calculate your GCI under the eXp Capping Model.
Get a business in a box that gives you all the things you need to run a successful and profitable business for much less cost than accessing everything individually.
The Monthly Cloud Fee in eXp New Zealand is only NZ$200+GST.

There’s significantly less financial risk involved than committing to lengthy and expensive subscriptions or than going out on your own or even working for a franchise model or traditional office. Let's explain further.
What you get through the eXp New Zealand offering costs you less than one subscription. A CRM alone would usually cost you more than this per month, not to mention the hefty set up cost.
Most subscriptions will also have you locked in to a contract for 12 or more months. With eXp New Zealand’s offering, it’s a very cost-effective way to get everything you need without the lock in contracts or hefty set up costs.
With eXp New Zealand, you get a state-of-the-art CRM, access to real estate portals, admin support, client nurturing, prospecting tools, and so much more for less than the cost of one subscription.
You may be thinking, how it can be possible for one company to offer so much value to its agents for so little. It's all about economies of scale.
You’re able to take advantage of the huge buying power of an 81,000+ agent strong company whilst still having the freedom to run your business your way.
Take for example, Netflix was able to provide a better service and deal to its customers than what Blockbuster could. Similarly, eXp can offer its agents a better deal than franchises or traditional offices.
There also aren’t any minimum timeframes or lock in contracts with eXp. And that’s on top of the ridiculously affordable price that gives you all the tools and technology you need for your business.
So, what sort of a company would offer all of that, you may ask? The type of company that believes its offering is the best out there and because of that they have so much confidence!
Another great thing is that your contacts and your database belong to you. eXp realises that you have a relationship with your contacts. So, you own your data and contacts. If you decide the company is not for you and want to leave, you get to take your database and listings with you if you go.
In summary, this is your chance to take advantage of a powerful vehicle that provides you with everything, all the resources and tools, necessary to run your business successfully.
The cost of doing business in many industries is prohibitive, and this is no different in real estate.
When working in a traditional model or independently the cost can be prohibitive when you aren’t even a business owner. In real estate, some of these costs are in the form of Franchise fees or desk fees.
Often you can’t get the technology or support you want, or if you can you have to pay handsomely for upgrades because you don’t have the buying power to get a good deal.
Then on top of all of that, you will still be paying a significant and ongoing split of your commission back to your office.
Any extras you want or even just the bare basics can start to add up pretty quickly. When you consider this, you really have to wonder what value you are actually getting for the significant split you pay your office. And then there’s the additionl fees most agents are still being charged by their office as well.
Instead, would you prefer to get access to cutting edge technology tools, platforms and everything you need and more for one very low Monthly Cloud Fee. And then receive on demand support and on demand training for free.
Ensure your success by backing yourself and letting eXp back you too.
Learn more about some of the growth and business tools included in your Monthly Cloud Fee with eXp:
- Watch videos on the Business Tools included in your eXp New Zealand Subscription and other optional tools

Through eXp New Zealand’s real estate model, you can set up different streams of income.
Therefore, you don’t have to just rely on one income steam. Instead, there is a great opportunity to build wealth, consistency of income and set up multiple streams of income.
Income from sales, shares and revenue share.
So if you want to retire someday you’ll be able to plan your exit strategy. Build your business for your retirement and grow your empire using eXp’s model.
eXp gives you more opportunities to earn more. It allows you to be yourself, with your own brand, with brilliant marketing, unlimited access to training and support.
You’re able to keep more of your hard-earned income and, if you want, get more sales and grow your business whilst making it your machine.
Find out more about Shares and Revenue Share below.
By joining eXp New Zealand you can earn shares, just for doing what you do, in a publicly traded and listed company – eXp World Holdings (NASDAQ: EXPI).
So much more than simply a real estate business, eXp is also a tech company.
And a leading one at that!

Glenn Sanford, the founder of eXp, was a real estate agent. But before that he had a background in tech. He created the company in 2009 with the idea that agents do the lion’s share of the work and they should be rewarded appropriately.
Glenn believes that the strength of the company comes from the strength of its agents, without which the company wouldn’t exist. So, he came up with a ground-breaking idea, that agents deserve to own part of the company.
This belief was put into action, and now eXp agents will earn equity and ownership just for doing their every day job – selling real estate.
There are five ways in which you can get shares or equity awards in eXp:
Once your first transaction is finalised you will receive NZ$250 in shares.
Once you reach the Cap, you will receive NZ$500 in shares.
When you ICON, you will receive up to NZ$23,500 in shares.
When you introduce an agent to eXp, who transacts or produces you will also be rewarded following the completion of their first transaction with a stock award of NZ$500. Just because you are contributing to the growth of this awesome company.
And finally, via the Agent Equity Program. This is equity shares in the form of a banked Commission of 5% on a Trading Discount of 10%.
Most financial managers advise that an average or “medium risk” investment should return around 10% in the first year of the investment. This is generally accepted as a reasonable expectation of return.
How does a 10% return on the first day of owning the stock sound?
Should you choose that you want to take advantage of the completely optional agent equity program, you can directly purchase the publicly listed company stock at a 10% discount.
You can do this by choosing to allocate 5% from your commissions to the agent equity program and purchase eXp stock with the 10% discount on market price.
The agent equity program is a voluntary program that you can easily opt-in and out of.
To be eligible for eXp New Zealand ICON Status, you must meet the following requirements.
Reach your Annual Cap of NZ$35,000; and
A minimum NZ$12,500 Post-Cap Transaction Fees Paid
Achieve an Annual GCI of NZ$750,000 (minimum ten closed transactions); and
ICON Qualifying Fee is equal to NZ$12,500 less capped status fees paid.
After qualifying for ICON Status, the ICON Agent Stock Award gets awarded as follows.
NZ$15,000 will be received at ICON status with a 3-year vesting period.
NZ$4,250 will be received when you participate in being an ICON trainer for eXp New Zealand inside eXp World (minimum of six sessions) with a 2-year vesting period
NZ$4,250 will be received when you take part in ICONversations, ICON Team Talks and ICON Masterminds and with no vesting period.
So, by providing training and helping fellow agents, they and you will both benefit greatly.
eXp has had exponential growth and has exploded in value, progressing from where it started as a penny stock to being listed publicly on the New York Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ.
eXp has very quickly joined the ranks of Google, Apple and Amazon, having undergone its very own stock split in 2020.
So, from when you complete your first transaction through eXp, you will get shares and be an agent-owner or part-owner of this multi-billion dollar company.
Depending on the way in which you earn shares, they can have no vesting, a 2 year vesting or a 3 year vesting period.
For un-vested shares, you can sell them whenever you want, including on the day that you get awarded them. Either way, at no cost to you, you’re getting shares worth very real money and paying dividends.
It's just another way that the company is helping its agents to grow their wealth. So regardless if the shares go down, or up or stay as they are, you as an agent will still have more than what you started with.

There are some companies that offer profit sharing, meaning that if they make a profit after paying all the expenses they will share this profit.
This means that if, and only IF they make money, you could get a small cut of the company profits at the end of the year.
In the real estate industry, this is largely unheard of, and New Zealand is no different.
In the USA, where the competition to attract good agents to companies is much steeper, there are some companies who have decided to offer profit sharing opportunities to their agents.
Of the relatively limited number of companies that offer profit sharing opportunities to its agents, the most well-known is Keller Williams. Keller Williams also happens to be one of the longer running and largest real estate brands in the United States.
The big difference in what eXp New Zealand offers its agents is that it’s not a cut of the profits but rather something much more exciting! It’s a cut of the REVENUE the company makes. Before costs!
So, if you introduce friends, acquaintances or other agents you know to the company and they transact. You are contributing to the company’s growth and you will be rewarded for this contribution. This is called Revenue Share.
The eXp revenue share you receive will depend on that agent's sales production.
You can receive up to NZ$4,900 in revenue share, which is 3.5% of the gross commission up to the Cap of NZ$140,000 GCI, for each agent you refer into eXp New Zealand.
And, as long as sales requirements are satisfied, and both you and the agent you refer into eXp remain active agents within eXp, you will continue to get paid this revenue share year after year.
Revenue share also doesn't reduce the agent's commission, as it's paid out of eXp's percentage of the split they receive, NOT the agent's.
For example, you introduce an agent and earn 3.5% of the GCI to a maximum of NZ$140,000 = NZ$4,900 per agent each year. And this is provided so long as that agent is transacting with eXp New Zealand.
So long as that agent continues to transact, the company will keep paying you a portion of the revenue received. Most importantly, this is paid from company dollars and does not affect the agents’ commission or income whatsoever.
There's also no limit to this. The agent needs to remain transacting in eXp and the company will continue to pay the revenue share year after year, ongoing. This really adds up!
You can also earn revenue share from the sales production of the additional agents referred to eXp by those agents you personally brought into eXp.
The nature of eXp means it often grows quite naturally. So, when you enrol an agent who transacts through eXp and they love the company, they’re likely to tell their agent friends. If they also enrol and transact through eXp then you will be paid revenue share from the company’s dollars for their production as well.
Let's say you personally sponsor five transacting agents into eXp. And those agents meet the sales requirements to be included as qualifying agents in terms of revenue share.
Now, suppose they too refer and sponsor their own transacting agents to eXp, who also do the same.
You're eligible to earn up to NZ$5,600 each year for the sales revenue of each of those added agents. And this amount is ON TOP of the revenue share of NZ$4,900 you already earn from the transacting agents you've referred personally.
It's a 7-tiered cascading revenue share model which allows the company to thank you for your contribution over and over again.
For those agents wanting to build a team or who enjoy helping and sharing with other agents, it encourages agents to take the focus off themselves.
Revenue share really enables them to be rewarded for growing the company through bringing skilled agents into the company. This also enables agents to assist in other’s success, share with others and get even more satisfaction in their work life.
Learn more about revenue share for entrepreneurial agents and cascasding revenue share.
Watch our video on eXp New Zealand Revenue Share Explained.
Most companies have some type of awards.
They’re quite similar for the most part, mainly consisting of trophies and are achieved with certain production goals.
Another massive difference is the excellent incentives and rewards offered by eXp New Zealand.

One of the best benefits of the unique eXp real estate model is its ability to fairly and generously reward achievement. It is the only real estate model of its kind.
Once an agent achieves the required production to Cap, you get to keep all of your hard-earned commissions.
Yes, you keep 100% for the rest of your anniversary year, every year you qualify. AND then you’ve got additional opportunities to get rewarded with company stock too.
When you join eXp New Zealand and complete your first property transaction you become a part owner, or shareholder because you get awarded stock in eXp World Holdings.
So, then when you get to your commission Cap of NZ$140,000 you'll also be rewarded with eXp stock awards. And then when you introduce agents to eXp and they complete or settle on their first transaction you’ll be awarded with even more shares.
The best reward in real estate is the coveted eXp ICON agent award. This is also the largest single stock award.
For top-producing agents, if keeping 100% of your commissions is not enough and you want to sweeten the deal, simply meet the set production criteria and cultural elements to receive up to NZ$23,500 worth of stock awards every year in which you achieve ICON status.
You will also be invited to take advantage of the voluntary eXp Agent Equity Program. This gives agents a great opportunity to choose to allocate 5% of their commission and buy EXPI stock at a 10% discount.
So, simply by doing the job you do every day, you’ll get rewarded even more for your efforts. You’ll become a shareholder in the company from when you settle your first transaction.

Everyone knows the greatest investment is in yourself.
So many good agents spend lots of time and money on training. But quality real estate training doesn’t have to be expensive.
Most agents have to pay for their own training.
In many cases, the cost is in addition to the 30%, 40% or even 50%+ commission splits you give away to your office.
eXp places high value on its agents and their personal development and training. So, the company created its own virtual University with numerous Auditoriums. So, now you can train how you like, where you like and when you like.
And guess what? There’s no additional cost to receive training from top performing real estate professionals and trainers. This is all included for free with eXp New Zealand.
You will get unlimited access to eXp World when you join the company. This world allows you to walk around with your personalised avatar.
You can attend weekly live training plus all the archived training or even get help from any number of the help desks including IT, marketing and accounting. And you're able to do this from anywhere you have internet access, including wearing your pyjamas from the comfort of your home.
You won't get that all too familiar "Zoom fatigue" as you're not on camera in eXp World. Your avatar represents you.
With new professional development sessions and training on every topic you can think of being added to the University every week.
There’s over 50 hours of fresh training added from experts in all different areas. You won’t be short on choice, plus tune in to previous sessions as well, they’re all stored in the University library.
You can receive free training from real estate trainers and national or international coaches, participate in group workshops and masterminds, and learn from guest speakers worldwide.
It really is an incredible experience, and eXp agents are lucky enough to access such a training environment where you can have someone teaching a class in New York in the morning and Auckland in the afternoon.
The best part is that the agent or coach providing the training is trying to help as much as possible and not holding back.
They’ll tell you everything about their local market and are happy to share their exact strategies and all they’re doing right now that’s helping them win.

One of eXp's major differentiating factors that sets it apart from both new and traditional real estate companies – is that agents who are transacting and doing well now, will share what they are doing now. Not 5, 10 or 20 years after it worked for them.
This is a huge plus for many eXp agents. They get to learn from top performing agents who are sharing their secrets and helping others achieve their goals too.
Another considerable benefit of eXp World is the unlimited access it offers to online training and its capability for virtual meetings. So, if you can't make it to a meeting or a conference, don't worry. You can attend virtually. You won't miss out.
You can learn where, when and how you want. It's truly game-changing.
Get access to the most current training from successful agents within the network. You can tune into the weekly ICON series where discussions range from systems the agents are using and strategies to win more business, to overcoming certain obstacles and even open forum conversations.
The agents you’ll be hearing from might be nearby in your city or town or could be in a different state or country.
You know the agents you are hearing from and learning from have met specific performance as well as cultural requirements in order to reach ICON Status before they can train other agents. So you know you're learning from the best.
Watch training live or even catch up when it suits you, day or night. And if you have a problem, there's more than likely someone that has training on a solution.
Access to the virtual office can be quickly gained by logging into eXp World either from your phone or computer.
The mobile app allows agents to access eXp World straight from their phones. It takes all the hassles from driving to and from an office or training room for meetings, conferences or training sessions.
Now you have the freedom to train or participate in classes whereever you are – a coffee shop, at home or even in your car.
The Self-Help Room in eXp World is another place agents can access checklists, training and business-ready guides. Again, they are making it simple and easy for agents to get what they want when they want.
Everybody in eXp wants you to succeed, that’s why there are support systems set up to help you succeed. You'll get to experience collaboration as you've never seen before in the industry. It's just unheard of in real estate.
We also have training and guides on using and implementing the technology you get as part of your eXp subscription.
So we can show you the best ways to use it to its most whole—showing you how to automate follow-ups and leverage off new and existing listings. And also how to get the most out of your contacts to leverage what you have learned as you put it in practice.

If you choose to partner with us at One Great Force, you’ll get lots of really great extras with access to our follow ups and trails for email, text, calls, letters and social media, proven to get results.
These resources, when used as part of your prospecting activities, will help ensure that you get and close more listing opportunities.
You’ll get training on what conversations to have and actions to take to maximise the returns you get from your sales.
Check out all the other additional benefits, training materials, courses and portals you will gain access to as part of One Great Force.
eXp Realty records most of the live training classes. So, if you're a busy agent and cannot attend a specific session that you're excited about, you can replay it at a time that's suitable for you. It's a beneficial resource pool for eXp agents.
Even if you're in the car driving to a client meeting, you can listen to the recordings anytime via eXp Expressway.
There's also lots of videos with "how-to" training created by the technology team at eXp. These were created to give you an easy guide that gives you step-by-step to all the different aspects of running your real estate business.
The other thing is, a lot of the times when you attend a training seminar or conference, you learn so many things. It’s exciting and by the time you get around to implementing what you have learned its usually a few weeks later. By which time you’ve likely forgotten over 70% of the awesome things you learned.
Because eXp records the training, you can access the recordings even after the training has finished, which can significantly impact your business.
The revolutionary technology provided by eXp to its agents has systems that support efficiency so if you want you can handle even more business!
Some agents are worried they may be overwhelmed if they list and sell more, or are unsure what steps and processes they need to implement so they won’t be overwhelmed.
That's where eXp steps in.

eXp has over 1,000 staff in the cloud dedicated to assisting its agents with everything. There's also Workplace by Meta and eXp World, where you can collaborate, ask questions, celebrate and get help from agents, both local and all over the world, your broker of record even the CEO. All are willing to help you and see you succeed.
Upon joining eXp New Zealand, you'll receive an eXp Passport that grants you access to numerous tech benefits, including eXp World.
Agents can meet “in-world” with their colleagues, network with other agents, gain real-time access to support and training and attend seminars. Using your eXp Passport, you can log in to eXp's cloud campus at any time and from any location.
In short, eXp World is our workplace of the future. Being cloud based, eXp World really is a cool experience. To truly appreciate it, it’s something which you need to visit and experience.
Then there's eXp's Agent Center, with plenty of resources and all the applications you could need in the one convenient place.
We have agents who do all levels of production, selling from 1 to more than 100 homes in a year. The eXp New Zealand real estate model is built to be scalable so you can grow your business as large or keep it as small as you want. We have sole operators and agents who choose to have a Personal Assistant or even a team. It really is up to you how your want to run your business.
Regardless, if you want to keep your business the same size, work less and earn more or build and scale your business.
So, if you don't currently get the support to take your business to the next level or you want to earn more without working more or you feel like you need or want to put a staff member on, eXp could be the answer for you.
You get the support, tech and tools to make it all happen – without all of the hassle.
If you already have a great team who you enjoy working with you can all come to eXp together. You’ll have all the technology working for you and your team with access to our systems, tools, and upgrades.
Let the systems provided by eXp work for you. Choose to spend less time cold calling, door knocking and doing those labour-intensive jobs you may not enjoy.
Focus your energy on the enjoyable aspects and the things you’re good at like listing and selling real estate and increasing your income. The result is increased freedom and a better lifestyle.
The technology and systems at eXp don’t just reduce labour-intensive follow-ups. They help you to make sure you’re talking with the most likely buyers and sellers at the right time without the guesswork.

What can we say? Collaboration is more than just one of eXp’s Core Values, it’s at the heart of our culture.
Platforms like eXp World and Workplace by Meta (Facebook) make it easier to keep in touch, feel supported, have more fun and collaborate with other agents.
Workplace is a very simple-to-use platform that looks and acts just like regular Facebook but is designed for business.
Agents love sharing their success strategies, giving and receiving referrals, even stay up to date with company events and news, and so much more.
Its built specifically for work. Essentially, think Facebook, but for the workplace. There’s an app for your phone for when you are on the go and you can download it onto your computer.
It makes it so simple to get real-time information when you need it, find out what's happening within the company and to keep in touch with one another.
You'll have the ability to converse and collaborate with agents at all levels anywhere in the eXp network.
By design, eXp encourages agents to help and support one another. An available agent will gladly respond and happily assist in any way they can if you reach out with a question.
Most agents within eXp know or soon realise that we can all win together. Why wouldn’t we support each other when we are all part owners in the same company? It’s simple yet ground-breaking in this industry. We all realise that a rising tide raises all ships.
At eXp, you won’t miss out on the cool conferences. We have the annual eXpCon and Shareholder Summit. Inspirational, educational and best of all fun. They’re designed to be social, encouraging and help build team culture. And, you're able to attend in-person or virtually in World!
Watch our video demonstrating eXp World Walk-Through.
Compliance and liability risks of running a business are things that lots of business owners worry about.
And this is completely understandable.
But, with eXp New Zealand, we ensure that your agreements and contracts are compliant for all transactions.

We also have a Broker of Record to make sure you have even less unnecessary stresses. Your efforts can focus on doing what you do best – selling real estate.
Most agency owners can agree that an expensive and intricate element of running a real estate business is Trust Account compliance and management.
It’s certainly one of the biggest stressors. Plus, if something is missed or its not done right there are some pretty exorbitant fines involved too.
You don’t need to be concerned about your trust accounting and transaction receipting or disbursements. With eXp, they’re all done for you.
Meaning you can focus all your efforts into what you do best. Listing and selling property. And why not enjoy some more freedom, less stress, higher income and more profits.

There’s local staff in eXp New Zealand and 1,000+ staff in the cloud.
And they've got you covered in every area of your business.
We think it’s important you have on demand access and get everything you could need to successfully run your business from end-to-end.
The best thing is, if there are elements you don’t know in running a business, even the admin of getting a home from sale to sold, you have the support you would need and the training you might want to get the job done.
Have over 1,000 staff at your fingertips by logging into eXp World and use your Passport so you won’t even need to remember log-ins.
Don’t wait for hours or days to get questions answered, use your virtual support system that’s waiting in the cloud, ready to help you.
Specialist staff in IT, Finance, Accounting, Admin and a myriad of support staff there for you if you need help. And you know where to find them, you can be in your pyjamas but accessing the one easy-to-use and centralised platform.
The company provides transaction management services to you at a very reasonable NZ$500+GST and is only charged on settled transactions.
As such, you don’t need to be worried about all that admin. And you won’t be charged a transaction fee on a property that doesn’t settle or if the contract falls over.
The real estate industry has seen a huge shift over the past few years.
Smart agents and business owners are looking for models that are pandemic proof.
As we are a cloud based or virtual real estate company, this model is not only pandemic proof but recession proof too.

eXp provides the tech and tools to its agents to run a real estate business in a better and smarter way with less overhead costs and less risk.
We are also constantly seeking ways to operate our business better and more efficiently.
This means that it ensures that your business will remain as pandemic and recession proof as it can moving into the future as well. After all, eXp was founded following the housing crash in 2008 for this exact purpose.
This efficiency type also means that you'll enjoy industry-leading technology solutions to grow your business and enhance your results.
To encourage collaboration and community for its agents, eXp even had its own state-of-the-art Virtual Office Space and Workplace created in the form of eXp World. And a Virtual University with a training library that gets added to with more than 50 hours of new training weekly.
This means that you'll always be ready and able to pivot your business if something unexpected happens and stay at the forefront of the industry.
Watch our video on eXp World.

How many real estate businesses or companies do you know that are confident enough in their offer they won’t expect you to lock yourself in to a contract for any period of time.
And most importantly, let you own your own data?
We think what eXp New Zealand offers is that good you probably won’t ever want to leave once you experience it.
You get the support of a massive company with access to all the collaboration and technology. You get the fun of being a part of eXp and you can be your own brand.
And as we mentioned earlier, we don't believe in keeping you somewhere you don't want to be. For that reason, your subscription to eXp doesn’t have any minimum timeframes or lock in contracts that you need to adhere to.
So, if you join eXp and you decide it’s not the right fit for you, we simply wish you all the best in the future and you can leave. Though, we will be sorry to see you go.
Plus, if you did decide to go, you take all your contacts and your database with you. Everyone knows sellers have the relationship with the agent and choose to list not with a corporate company, but the agent they have the relationship with.
So as a company built by an agent for agents its only logical that you maintain the ownership of your data – simple.
You have less financial risk partnering with eXp than running your own completely independent business or even working for a boss.
There’s no commitment needed to lengthy and expensive real estate subscriptions.

To be able to compete against other agents in today’s environment and to provide the best service to your clients there are so many providers and subscriptions you need.
It can get pretty costly.
We go as far as to say there is less risk than staying at your current office or franchise.
With the affordable, once-off setup fee of NZ$400+GST and then an ongoing monthly Cloud Fee of only NZ$200+GST that gives you access to more than you likely have at the moment and everything that you will need to run a successful and profitable business.
The first NZ$140,000 GCI you write in your anniversary year will see you pocketing a generous 75% split. And after the Cap you’ll pocket 100% of your commissions for the rest of your anniversary year – that is the anniversary of your joining eXp.
Then there's your transaction management taken care of for the low-cost of NZ$500+GST transaction, only payable on settled transactions.
Finally, a NZ$1,250 + GST Marketing Reimbursement gets paid back to agents upon property settlements. When an agent collects NZ$2,500 in Vendor Paid Advertising for the sale of a property, they will receive this marketing reimbursement upon settlement of that property.
This injection of funds helps agents to be able to invest back into their business. They are getting better exposure for their listings and assisting them in building and marketing themselves.
If you decide to partner with One Great Force, you’ll also get access – for free – to some of the most successful agents in the industry. Some of these agents write great numbers with a big focus on leftover not just turn over.
Partnering with One Great Force will gain you closer access and proximity to top-performing agents who will share in more detail exactly what they're doing that is currently working in the local market. You will be shown tools and systems exclusive to One Great Force™ and The Hardens™ partner agents.
In real estate we all know you are only as good as your last month and you can’t take transactions to the bank. They simply don’t give you freedom.
We'll teach how to transact more, if that’s what you want, and we’ll show you how to establish a successful and profitable business that you can run and grow with less time.
If you keep transacting more and more, that's just a treadmill. Sure, you have your income goals but constantly chasing more and more growth isn’t for everyone.
Most people want to be able to choose how they want to spend their time and have balance. Essentially, they’re after freedom.
If you take on huge numbers of transactions, this results in more responsibilities and less time. So, what we focus on is being able to run your business to your desired level of success giving you the chance to have freedom to enjoy your time.
If you want to have your own team or get staff, we support you in this as well.
Unlike most other companies that are designed to profit the boss, eXp makes you the boss and is designed to maximise your profits and your returns on YOUR hard work. It was built to give agents an exit strategy.
You're also given the opportunity of ownership equity in a publicly-traded company. You can get a share of the revenue in the company you own a part of and are helping to build.
eXp figures agents are great networkers and know other good agents. So, rather than paying corporate recruiters or external recruitment companies to help grow the business, they have decided to reward agents for referring other agents and growing the company.
This isn’t just a once off referral, you can be compensated by the company so long as the agent you introduced is transacting. And the best part, you are compensated from company dollars, meaning the agents commission split is not decreased.
This encourages you to tell your agent friends who you want to work alongside anyway how much you are enjoying the benefits of being powered by eXp.
Then eXp shares some of the additional revenue the company makes as a result of that growth and those additional transactions with you – introducing the agent. No massive corporate salaries, just rewarding the most important element of the real estate company, the agents.
At first glance these rewards may seem to be financial, but if you look a little further that is only the first part. The greater reward comes in the form of freedom.
You get freedom with your branding, freedom with your time, freedom with you location, you can earn the income that suits you and keep more of it with a great split and then Cap to keep 100%.
And as we said before, if you decide that eXp isn’t the right fit for you, then you can leave with zero exit fees and take your database with you. You're not locked in.
It's risk free, straightforward and transparent.
Watch our video on eXp New Zealand Explained - The Complete Offering.

Consumers identify less with a corporate brand and more with a personal brand.
eXp knows this and wholly supports agents to present a personalised brand.
Successful agents build their careers on their personal networks, knowledge and integrity. And this is recognised in this forward thinking company.
We leverage the latest technology to build our businesses and by extension grow an international agent-owned and publicly-traded company that we all share ownership in.
You are further leveraging eXp and social media to build your brand. And if you want to become the go to agent in your area you get access to all the tools you could need to make this happen.
Potential clients will feel like they already know you, and probably even like you, so it’s easier to build their trust in you. It becomes a much easier close, and it's certainly a great feeling.
If you choose to partner with One Great Force, you can also benefit from our social media expertise with posting calendars and advice on how to build your social presence.
It helps your community to get to know the real you, feel comfortable with who you are and will mean you have potential sellers and buyers approaching you. You’ll get called in by people who feel like they know and like you more often.
All of this because they’re not listing with your office. They're listing with you.
Social media and influencers are everywhere, and the way we communicate and earn trust has changed. We don’t need to rely on a corporate brand to get you through the door to get a listing.
Use eXp and its systems, tech, tools and resources to leverage your own brand. There's no valid reason to give up the brand you have built or your identity.
When people get to know you, and you show your authenticity, it helps them to connect with you. We all know people list with people.
We just help you, be it through social media, traditional marketing or a combination of the two, to show the world who you are.
The great thing is, if you aren’t a social media whiz that’s ok, you don’t need to be. Our simple steps will show you some easy social media tips that you can essentially set and forget. And your target market will get to know the real you, if you let them.
With regard to branding and branding freedom you have numerous options. You can even stick with eXp’s branding if you prefer or use your own branding or co-branding is an option too.
There are compliance requirements that will need to be met for the different branding options. Such as commission only employees do need to be eXp branded. However, independent contractors, sole traders or companies can choose to use their own brand or be co-branded as well.
And if you want to change your trading entirety or rebrand you can do this in the future. It's really flexible.
We all know that sellers sell with the agent and not the brand the agent works for. You are the brand, you are who people choose. You have the relationships. Let us help you show the world your authentic self!
You are your own boss. You don’t report to a Director, Franchisee or Sales Manager.
This doesn’t mean you’re on your own, you’ll also have all the support and help you want or need.
And you no longer have to wait for the boss to be around or available or search endlessly if you have an urgent question.
Get answers to your questions when you need them.

There's a wealth of knowledge available from people in eXp World, your Broker of Record or agents in Workplace who will answer your question for you.
Gone are the days of punching a clock or being hassled about where you have been and when your next listing will be on the board.
You can get yourself an accountability buddy if you like, but there won’t be anyone looking over your shoulder and checking their watch.
Stay motivated and learn with our training and weekly meetings. Some are virtual, and some are in-person. Or as previously suggested, you can get yourself an accountability partner or buddy.
You get to reap the rewards for your hard work. You are no longer making your boss rich, instead you are building your own wealth. And you are doing it surrounded by a supportive network of agents who want to see you succeed.
We think that’s really something to celebrate!

You don’t need to be tied to one location.
Sure you can set your areas and choose to only work there. You also won’t need to be tied down by a physical office.
This doesn’t mean you don’t have access to beautiful and modern physical offices.
As agents, our car and a good café have long been the preferred workspaces for many. A client’s living room is where most of the magic happens. And in recent years the need for an office has further decreased, most having been completely closed for the better part of 2 years.
And those with offices may have realised an office can be more of a liability than an asset.
But if you want a physical office for a meeting or to go to daily, then eXp can provide this. Included in your subscription, you even get Global Regus Network of Offices membership.
There are lots of Regus locations worldwide, with 17 located throughout New Zealand. Regus offices are professional environments that are staffed.
You have multiple options such as hiring a boardroom for a particular client meeting, there are private offices or co-working spaces. Choose what you need.
Regus offers beautiful workspaces that are complete with coffee and free wifi. They’re nicer than most offices.
eXp New Zealand is changing how clients and agents work together thanks to their focus on innovation.
Taking collaboration to new heights, it's time to say farewell to traditional real estate. Through its one of a kind cloud based office eXp has brought real estate to the next level.
You don’t have to wait endless hours in traffic commuting to the office. If you choose, your commute can be as little as a walk down the hall. And with over 1,000 staff in the cloud ready to assist, you won’t ever have to wait for support again. No more waiting for much-needed support.
You have the flexibility to work anywhere and anytime – completely your way. eXp New Zealand is designed that agents can be very mobile.
As long as you meet your regions’ minimum requirements, depending on licensing, eXp doesn't impose any additional minimum production or GCI amount you need to earn.
The company is here to support you, the agent. Regardless, if you are a returning to work mum who wants to work a few days per week or you want to sell the same number of homes but increase your income.
Perhaps you’re a Rockstar and have plans to be a Million Dollar Agent. Whatever the case, eXp has the processes, systems and support available that you need and will help you do it.
eXp's industry leading and award winning cloud office or campus environment allows all its agents to up-skill, collaborate and get support from any location around the globe.
When you’re an eXp agent, you get access to archived training as well as at least 50 hours of live training each week. Benefit from the experts sharing their knowledge and agents sharing what they’re doing right now to get results.
We're here to provide support to you in achieving your goals, living the lifestyle you want and having the level of success and income you want.
Set your goals for your income and lifestyle, and you'll have all the necessary tools to achieve them. After all, we believe it's your business, income, life, and way.
So, work as many or as few days and hours as you want. It's your choice.
Sick of working for a place that tells you how you should run YOUR business. You're made to think that it's your own business, and then they take a considerable chunk out of everything you make, ask you to set goals that serve their needs (not yours) and then make you feel bad if you aren't keeping up with their expectations of what you should be making them?
If this is your current situation, then we need to talk!
Individual agents, real estate teams and agencies of all sizes have joined eXp.
We can show you how to best transition into eXp and benefit no matter what your situation.
And if you'd like to build a team without the headaches, we can show you how as well.

eXp New Zealand gives you the model to be able to build a team of agents without limitations of geographical location, provision of systems and tools or legal oversight.
How would you like to be able to build a team of your own and be rewarded financially for contributing to the company's growth?
eXp provides you with a share of the revenue which your team produces. All whilst eliminating the hassle of traditional staffing problems and the constant worry of losing agents to someone else's chequebook.
By partnering with One Great Force in eXp, we'll provide you with all the resources to grow your real estate team. You'll also be invited to Leadership Training on "How to Build Your Team" every Tuesday morning.

Partner with us at One Great Force™ in eXp, and we’ll share with you proven strategies to build your very own perpetual income-producing machine.
We'll show you how you can get all the wealth, freedom and time to enjoy with your family and the lifestyle that you desire.
And it all starts with your decision to join eXp New Zealand and parter with One Great Force to take your real estate business and your life to the next level.
Learn more about what we do at One Great Force to support our agents who we choose to partner with:
- Watch our video on the Extra Benefits that One Great Force Offers as Your eXp Sponsor
- Explanation of the benefits when partnering with One Great Force in eXp.
Thanks for looking into and taking the time to discover more about eXp New Zealand and what it offers to real estate agents. We're excited at the prospect of you partnering up with us at eXp New Zealand as part of One Great Force.
We'd love for you to join in being part of a new and exciting real estate organisation led by forward-thinkers.
With the backing of eXp New Zealand, we can help you unleash innovative lead generation strategies and allow vendors to market their homes cost-effectively with maximum exposure.
You'll also be able to utilise social media for property sales and brand awareness and further enhance the exposure of your listings through our ever-growing network of eXp agents worldwide.
When you look to partner up with us at eXp New Zealand, you can rest assured that you'll be supported throughout the complete process and into your future.
Are you ready to partner with other successful eXp real estate agents and join eXp New Zealand?
Find answers to frequently asked questions about eXp New Zealand and the eXp real estate model.
Calculate the difference in your income under eXp New Zealand's Capping model and what it could mean for you.